E-Newspaper (News at your doorsteps) is unique and different type of PHP project for students and beginners.

There are many modules in this project some are following:

User Side Function

1.    Register new user from the Panel and login into account

2.    Categories of E-News are following news, details, date and journalist name

a.    Social News Section

b.    Political News Section

c.    Economic, Educational, Sports, International and more

News can be displayed in a different languages, Users can also do comment on the news. They can also download it in PDF.

A lot more inside project

Admin panel Section of project:

  1. News Upload functions (with textbox and button)
  2. Upload news with an images. You can also do update and delete
  3. Pictures can be added, update and delete from gallery.
  4. Video section for uploading and downloading videos.
  5. Edit and Delete members function that will enhance your control.