E-Newspaper (News at your doorsteps) is unique and different type of PHP project for students and beginners.
There are many modules in this project some are following:
User Side Function
1. Register new user from the Panel and login into account
2. Categories of E-News are following news, details, date and journalist name
a. Social News Section
b. Political News Section
c. Economic, Educational, Sports, International and more
News can be displayed in a different languages, Users can also do comment on the news. They can also download it in PDF.
A lot more inside project
Admin panel Section of project:
- News Upload functions (with textbox and button)
- Upload news with an images. You can also do update and delete
- Pictures can be added, update and delete from gallery.
- Video section for uploading and downloading videos.
- Edit and Delete members function that will enhance your control.