This is an excellent book for mobile developers who want to learn how to program games. This book contains everything you’ll need to become a successful Android game developer. You’ll begin by learning the principles of game design and programming before moving on to creating your own basic game engine and playable games. This will equip you with everything you’ll require to venture out and create your own Android games. Beginning Android 4 Games Creation is a wonderful book for people who wish to learn about Android tablet game app development or seek particular coverage of the Android 4 SDK. The book begins with the principles of game design using Canvas and Android SDK 10 or earlier programming. After that, you’ll concentrate on designing your own basic game engine and playable game apps for Android 10 and earlier smartphones and tablets.

Android Game development:

What does game development hold in the future? There’s a lot for game production teams to think about if they want to make the next big thing. The majority of analysts predict that the game app business will reach $90 billion by 2022. The development of video games is on the rise. Game development is becoming an ever more intriguing profession to work in as new and better technology emerge. It’s hardly a stretch to believe that we’ll be playing virtual reality games in the near future. As a game developer, you’ll have greater say over how ‘real’ your game is and how much of your imagination can be turned into reality. Gaming has always been, and will continue to be, a developing sector because it is mostly utilized for amusement and fun. Humans’ basic need for entertainment is and will continue to be entertainment. Gaming has always been, and will continue to be, a developing sector because it is mostly utilized for amusement and fun. Humans’ basic need for entertainment is and will continue to be entertainment. As a result, if you choose a career as a game developer, you will have the option to work on a variety of game development platforms.

Many people consider Android game creation to be a dream career, while others consider it to be a fun hobby. Because of the low entry barriers and large ready-made market, Android is undoubtedly the easiest platform to get started with. If you want to make a good living, Android game creation is the way to go. Because, when we talk about a profession, we always expect a demanding job that allows us to use our imagination and skills, and, of course, compensation scale is important. Android is a terrific platform for learning to develop games on, yet it comes with its own set of problems. One thing you’ll discover is that you’ll need to scale your game’s GUI based on device size and resolution, and owing to the thousands of various Android devices, you’ll have to think of creative ways to do so. However, there are many other things you’ll discover while doing this.

What does game development hold in the future? There’s a lot for game production teams to think about if they want to make the next big thing. The majority of analysts predict that the game app business will reach $90 billion by 2022. The development of video games is on the rise. Game development is becoming an ever more intriguing profession to work in as new and better technology emerge. It’s hardly a stretch to believe that we’ll be playing virtual reality games in the near future. As a game developer, you’ll have greater say over how ‘real’ your game is and how much of your imagination can be turned into reality. Gaming has always been, and will continue to be, a developing sector because it is mostly utilized for amusement and fun. Humans’ basic need for entertainment is and will continue to be entertainment. Gaming has always been, and will continue to be, a developing sector because it is mostly utilized for amusement and fun. Humans’ basic need for entertainment is and will continue to be entertainment. As a result, if you choose a career as a game developer, you will have the option to work on a variety of game development platforms.

Many people consider Android game creation to be a dream career, while others consider it to be a fun hobby. Because of the low entry barriers and large ready-made market, Android is undoubtedly the easiest platform to get started with. If you want to make a good living, Android game creation is the way to go. Because, when we talk about a profession, we always expect a demanding job that allows us to use our imagination and skills, and, of course, compensation scale is important. Android is a terrific platform for learning to develop games on, yet it comes with its own set of problems. One thing you’ll discover is that you’ll need to scale your game’s GUI based on device size and resolution, and owing to the thousands of various Android devices, you’ll have to think of creative ways to do so. However, there are many other things you’ll discover while doing this.

By this Book you will get it these things in detail:

  • You’ll begin with the fundamentals of the project.

  • Then we learn about Android Studio, including how to install it and how to use it.

  • After that, we’ll look at what’s in an Android Application.

  • After that, we’ll get a crash course on game development.

  • After that, we’ll go over how to build the Crazy Eights Game and the Balloon Popper Game.

  • Then we’ll talk about testing and debugging, and then we’ll learn about OpenGL ES.

  • At the end we go through monetization in depth before moving on to publishing the game.

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