You may master the fundamentals of web design at your own pace with the help of the 12 self-paced lessons in this book on web design. Lessons are in full color and provide detailed step-by-step directions. The main points of each lesson are highlighted in videos. Includes lesson files that will help you get started right away and covers all the fundamental concepts of web design. The digital classroom for web design with HTML and CSS is like having a personal instructor walk you through each session as you work at your own speed. This book teaches you how to utilize the key web design tools efficiently to produce a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and useful. Beyond the fundamentals, you’ll discover the best practices for effective web design so you can move from the concept stage to a finished product.

Importance of HTML and CSS:

HTML and CSS are the two most important elements of web design, and they are both widely used in the current web design sector. Most websites on the internet employ HTML and CSS, thus a web designer in Dubai must have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of innovation. Since the inception of web design, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) has been a widely used language for professional websites. For a person without any prior knowledge of using HTML, it might be extremely confusing. Essentially, HTML is a language or type of code that is used to place and update text, images, videos, frames, colours, and other elements of web pages with the aid of a template, i.e. Cascading Style Sheet, or CSS Using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is essential. Essentially, HTML is a language or type of code that is used to place and update text, images, videos, frames, colours, and other elements of web pages with the aid of a template, i.e. Cascading Style Sheet, or CSS An essential part of handling the presentation of web pages created using HTML is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Text, images, backgrounds, colours, margins, padding, z-index, scrolling, animations, and structure of web pages are all governed by CSS. Recently, CSS3 has been given credit for some of the most innovative and practical features, including transitions, animations, font embedding, and pseudo selectors.

Topics covered by this book:

  • Lesson 1: Planning Your Website. Starting up. The goals of web design. The difference between print design and web design. The web demands user interaction. Defining the user experience. User-centered design. The stages of the planning process. Defining goals and strategy. Research.

  • Lesson 2: Fundamentals of the Web. How web pages work. The Internet and World Wide Web domain names. Domain names and hosting. The language of the web. The evolution of the web and web standards.

  • Lesson 3: Web Design Tools. Web editors versus WYSIWYG tools. Plain text editors. Text editors for web design. WYSIWYG editors. Defining sites in Dreamweaver. Expression Web.

  • Lesson 4: Fundamentals of HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Web languages. Web page structure is based on HTML. The details of XHTML syntax. Doctype lets the web browser know what to expect. The W3C and page validation. HTML structure. Placing images in HTML. The role of CSS.

  • Lesson 5: Graphics, Color, and Transparency. Optimizing graphics for the web. Resizing the image. Adjusting the image size. Applying the Unsharp Mask filter to an image. Selecting the best image format. Choosing the right file format. Choosing the best file format for your image. Saving images as JPEGs.

  • Lesson 6: Formatting Text with CSS. The importance of typography on the web. The challenges of fonts on the web. Setting a font-family. Sizing text with CSS. Pixels and points are not the best choices.

  • Lesson 7: Introduction to CSS Layout. Working with a CSS reset file. A brief history of layout techniques on the web. An overview of page layout options. Understanding the divs: creating a two-column fixed-width CSS layout. Understanding the CSS float property. Creating columns with the float property.

  • Lesson 8: Advanced CSS Layout. Building your page layout. Removing the background color. Working with CSS background images. Using hacks to solve layout problems. Enhancing your CSS navigation bar. Moving your internal styles to the external style sheet.

  • Lesson 9: Browser Compatibility. Why browser testing is important. Aare web pages required to look the same in all browsers? Choose the level of browser support you want. The special case of IE6. Tools to identify browser problems. Virtualization solutions for the Mac OS. Virtualization solutions for Windows.

  • Lesson 10: Introduction to Interactivity. Interactivity on the web. JavaScript. Adobe Flash. JavaScript basics. JavaScript events. Placing your JavaScript into an external document. The Document Object Model. JavaScript frameworks. Hiding an element with jQuery. Adding an event to trigger the show effect.

  • Lesson 11: Mobile Design. The need for mobile-optimized websites. How is the mobile experience of the web different than the desktop? Deciding on which type of mobile device to target. The trouble with style sheets. Using CSS3 media queries.

  • Lesson 12: HTML5 Essentials. Starting up. Defining HTML5.The motivation behind HTML5. HTML5 markup. The video, audio, and canvas elements. Embed media files using video and audio elements. Provide drawing and animation features using the canvas element. HTML5 markup is still evolving.

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