This book is a good place to start. a straightforward Step-by-Step method for learning Python quickly If you are experienced with other languages but are new to Python. includes pertinent examples to aid in memory retention and language proficiency. You can find thorough descriptions in this book. Simple and easy to read language in a style that everybody can understand. Excellent for users at all skill levels. This book genuinely provides you with sufficient knowledge to carry out useful tasks. Anyone who wants to learn Python quickly should read this book. We truly believe you will find this book to be priceless and beneficial.
Overview of Python Language:
Python is a popular computer programming language used to create software and websites, automate processes, and analyse data. Python is a general-purpose language, which means it may be used to make many various types of applications and isn’t tailored for any particular issues. Its adaptability and beginner-friendliness have elevated it to the top of the list of programming languages in use today.Python is frequently used for creating websites and applications, automating repetitive tasks, and analysing and displaying data. Python has been used by many non-programmers, including accountants and scientists, for a variety of routine activities including managing finances since it is very simple to learn.A sizable and vibrant community supports Python, adds to its collection of modules and libraries, and serves as a valuable resource for other programmers. Because of the large support network, finding a solution to a coding problem is usually not too difficult because it is likely that someone else has already come into the same issue. Not just programmers and data scientists use Python. For those who work in less data-intensive fields like journalism, small business ownership, or social media marketing, learning Python can expand their career options. Python can also help non-programmers streamline some of their daily duties.
Topics covered by this book:
- In the First section you will learn about Installation of python. After learning this chapter will know that how you will install python in window mac and also learn that how to run installation files. Learn many different ways to access python from others commands.
- Second Section of This Book is Working with IDLE. In this you will learn these different topics in detail: The Python Shell, The File Menu, The Edit menu, The Shell Menu, The Debug Menu, The Options Menu, The Window Menu, The Help Menu
- Third section helps you for Writing your First Python Program and how to use functions of mkdir() Method, chdir() Method, getcwd() Method and rmdir() Method
- In this section you will learn how to type your code and also learn rules for writing identifiers.
- Next Chapter is based on Variables and all data types of python.
- Chapter 6 is based on numbers data types that includes Octal literal , Hexadecimal literal , Binary literal, Converting Integers to their String Equivalent, integer to octal literal, Complex Number, Converting From One Numeric Type to Another To convert a float to a plain integer, To convert an integer to a floating-point number, To convert an integer to a complex number, To convert a float to a complex number, To convert a numeric expression (x, y) to a complex number with a real number and imaginary number, Numbers and Arithmetic Operators, Python Operators, Relational or Comparison
- Next chapter is on List. How to Add Elements to a List, Changing Elements of a List, Concatenating and Repeating Lists, Removing or Deleting Items from a List, Sorting Items on a List, Using the count() Method on Lists, Testing for Membership on a List, Using Built-in Functions with List
- Directories topic cover many topics i.e. Accessing Elements on a Dictionary, Adding and Modifying, Entries to a Dictionary, Removing or Deleting Elements from a Dictionary.
- Python Operators topic has detail of Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Relational Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, Identity Operators, Membership Operators and with Conditional Statements ( if statements, if…else statements, if…elif…else statements, nested if…elif…else statements) with examples in detail.
- In this book you will also learn many other topics in detail like Namespaces in Python, Classes and Object-Oriented, Creating a Python Iterator, Python Generators, Python Files, Handling Errors or Exceptions. For reading these all topics in detail you will download this book easily by this link.