
This book is a fantastic starting point for learning React. The content is quite descriptive and is written in a way that is easy for novices to understand. It not only addresses the most frequent issues that developers run into while creating complicated apps, but it also includes a few extra tips that make creating the aesthetics for such apps incredibly simple. The principles of React and how to utilize it to create incredibly effective (and great) apps are explained in this book. React is a great option for developers searching for a simple-to-use and highly effective JavaScript framework because it offers cutting-edge capabilities. With JavaScript-driven pages and React, you can create intricate UI interactions that connect with the server quickly.

React offers greater promise than other frameworks, such as Vue.js, Ember.js, or Angular.js, for producing lightweight, resource-conserving, and reliable application solutions. It can be a good idea to educate yourself on all the advantages of adopting React.js for app development if you have never used it before for commercial purposes. Let’s explore the major benefits of utilizing React.js for application development. With the help of tools like Node, Babel, webpack, and others, you will be able to build your first React app with multi-page apps using routing and views after finishing this book. You will also be able to optimize your React workflow.

Topics covered by this book:

  • Chapter 1 is Introducing React in which we study about Old School Multi-Page Design, New School Single-Page Apps, what is Meet React, what is Automatic UI State Management, Lightning-fast DOM Manipulation, how APIs used  to Create Truly Compostable UIs and how Visuals Defined Entirely in JavaScript.

  • Chapter 2 is about Building Your First React App, Dealing with JSX, Getting Your React On, Displaying Your Name as well as Changing the Destination

  • Chapter 3 is about Components in React in this chapter we get a Quick Review of Functions, How We Deal with the UI, Meet the React Component, how to Create a  Hello, World! Component, what are Specifying Properties and how to deal with Children.

  • Chapter 4 is about Styling in React, Displaying Some Vowels, how to Style React Content Using CSS ,Understand the Generated HTML, Styling Content the React Way, how to Create a Style Object, what is Actually Styling Our Content as well as how to make the Background Color Customizable.

  • Chapter 5 is about Creating Complex Components in which we cover  from Visuals to Components, Identifying the Major Visual Elements and identifying the Components, how to create the Components, what is The Card Component, The Square Component and  Label Component, what are Passing Properties, Why Component Composability Rocks.